Cigar Companion Traditional Leather

“Excellent book, rich in information on cigar’s brands and history. This luxurious leather bound edition is handcrafted in French Calfskin and will make a standout contribution to your coffee table or library. Cigar Aficionado magazine, known worldwide for its celebration of the good things in life, revolutionized the art and enjoyment of cigar smoking. Now Cigar Aficionado presents the ultimate resource, an easy-to-use, full-color guide with ratings and tasting notes for more than 200 fine cigars, organized by brand. The book also explores the history and production of cigars, with expert advice on buying, storage, preparation, and smoking etiquette. With a wealth of useful information, this is an essential reference for both connoisseurs and those just beginning to appreciate the pleasures of cigars. Bound by hand in Traditional leather Dimensions 6.1″” x 0.9″” x 9.3″” 208 pages Personalization is available in gold “

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