Wolfenstein II – The New Colossus DE/AT Key Buy Wolfenstein II The New Colossus now! You will receive the key for the game by via eMail within the delivery time stated above. In 1961, Nazi-killin’ badass BJ Blazkowicz leads the Resistance against the Nazi occupation of his beloved country. Download Wolfenstein II The New Colossus for free via the Steam network. Steam can be found here. Note: To take account for local laws in Germany and Austria, certain symbols have been replaced by no less atmospheric alternatives in this version. Video Screenshots Product description Proving that you can’t keep a good gun-totin’, hatchet-wieldin’, Nazi-killin’ badass down, BJ Blazkowicz is back in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. Set in America in 1961, The New Colossus will take BJ (dubbed “Terror-Billy” by the Nazis) from post-nuclear Manhattan to small-town Roswell to the bayous and boulevards of New Orleans and beyond, as he leads the Resistance against the Nazi occupation of his beloved country. But this isn’t just the riveting tale of one man’s mission to build a movement and fight the evil that’s overtaken his nation. BJ must also rebuild himself. After barely surviving the assassination of Nazi General Deathshead at the end of Wolfenstein: The New Order, BJ begins his exhilarating adventure while still recovering from his extensive injuries. Bloody but unbowed, he soon finds himself fully restored and stronger than ever. Along the way, BJ will mow down anyone in his path using an awesome arsenal of high-tech weaponry, including the Laserkraftwerk (perfect for disintegrating Nazi goons) or the Dieselkraftwerk (built to blast a bunch of enemies with gas-powered grenades). BJ can also get up close and personal using the new hatchet – because there’s nothing more satisfying than slamming a handheld ax into the crunchy cranium of a vile Nazi commandant. A world-class shooter with gripping gameplay, compelling characters and a captivating story, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus puts you into the