Final Fantasy VII Remake

Final Fantasy VII Remake Buy Final Fantasy VII Remake now!  You will receive the key for the game by Square Enix via eMail within the delivery time stated above. Remake of JRPG classic Final Fantasy VII from the year 1997 with many new features and familiar characters. Download Final Fantasy VII Remake for free via the Steam network. Steam can be found here.   Video   Screenshots   Product description Final Fantasy 7 Remake is a complete remake of the JRPG classic Final Fantasy VII, which was published in the year 1997. The new version will be a complete remake and not a HD port, besides strong graphic changes we also expect changes in the battle system, which should lead to more action. Magic, summoner and use of items will probably be possible during fights. The mini games that were very popular among fans will return presumably. More info will follow.  System requirements  (will be announced)

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