Employing the use of both a dedicated autoguider and guide scope is arguably the best way to optimize the accuracy of any astrophotography pursuit. In the recent past however, this enhanced imaging precision came with a very hefty price tag. Just a few short years ago, a dedicated autoguider could easily cost more than many astrograph-quality telescopes. To make matters worse, most guide scopes of the recent past were prohibitively long, bulky, and difficult to align with repeatable accuracy. Today, thanks to technological progress and the availability of the highly sensitive yet affordable Orion StarShoot AutoGuider, astrophotographers can enjoy accurate imaging results without emptying their pockets. With a sensitive autoguider like the Orion StarShoot AutoGuider, any astrophotographer can enjoy optimized imaging precision by using a small-aperture guide scope with a much shorter focal length than the unwieldy instruments of the past. Along these lines, Orion is proud to announce our latest affordable autoguiding innovation – the Magnificent Mini AutoGuider!