Orion can guide you to better quality astrophotos, literally, with our CT80 80mm Refractor StarShoot AutoGuider Package. This refreshingly affordable and incredibly effective autoguiding solution can be added to virtually any astrophotography system to improve guiding accuracy so you get awesome astrophotos every time. No matter what telescope you’re using for long-exposure astrophotography, precise guiding is an absolute requirement to get pinpoint star images. Using both a dedicated autoguider device and guide scope telescope is arguably the best way to optimize the accuracy of any astrophotography pursuit. Employing a complete autoguiding setup is especially useful when going after images of faint deep-sky objects when multiple lengthy exposures are required. This complete Orion-exclusive package makes autoguiding easy, and its affordable price is easy on your wallet. The CT80 80mm Refractor StarShoot AutoGuider Package contains everything you need to obtain precise tracking accuracy for your astrophotography setup, including the Orion CT80 80mm Compact Refractor Telescope Optical Tube, Orion StarShoot AutoGuider, Orion 105mm ID Pair of Guide Scope Rings, Orion Guide Scope Ring Mounting Bar, and 1.25″ Orion Telescope Extension Tube. With a short focal length of 400mm, the included CT80 refractor makes an ideal guide scope. Since the fast f/5.0 optical tube provides an expansive wide field-of-view, this lightweight refractor makes it easy to acquire guide stars. With fully coated optics and a light weight of just 2.25 lbs., the CT80 refractor delivers bright views of potential guide stars and won’t add a lot of weight to astrophotography setups. With its total assembled weight of just 3.8 lbs., the Orion CT80 80mm Refractor StarShoot AutoGuider Package can easily be added to virtually any astrophotography setup without exceeding your imaging-capable EQ mount’s payload capacity.