10% off (Sale price $25.99, Reg. Price $29.19) :: Giant Split Elk Antlers are the big kahuna of all our Split Elk Antlers! Ranging from 9 to 10 inches and split down the middle to expose the meaty, healthy inner marrow, your dog will be ready to take on the long-lasting challenge! This elk antler is especially great for large to giant breed dogs. Best Bully Sticks knows your dog deserves the best so we’ll give your pup nothing less. Sourced from wild-roaming elk, our Giant Split Elk Antler is a humane, eco-friendly, safe and healthy choice for your dog. Every year, elk naturally shed their antlers. We simply collect the shed antlers, clean with water and cut them down to various sizes perfect for your pup! When your dog enjoys a Giant Split Elk Antler they’ll also be enjoying all the benefits they offer, too! The marrow, exposed in the Giant Split Elk Antler, provides your dog with great nutrients like calcium, chondroitin and glucosamine. Elk antlers are also amazing dental chews as they remove plaque and tartar buildup and massage gums for a great all-around teeth cleaning! And you’ll never have to wonder about preservatives, chemicals or additives because we never use them!