20% off (Sale price $15.16, Reg. Price $18.95) :: Mineral, Vitamin, Amino Acid Supplement Iron Plus Hx® is a highly absorbable, high-potency yet gentle iron supplement formula, with additional nutrients required by the body to create red blood cells and hemoglobin. Iron bisglycinate has been shown in clinical trials to be as absorbable as ferrous sulphate at a lower potency. Therefore, this form of iron is gentle. The Iron content in this iron supplement, Bisglycinate Chelate, provides you with 139% DV along with 60mg of Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin C, which allows for all the energy benefits of iron supplementation while being non-constipating and non-irritating to the digestive tract for most people. The mineral Iron is an essential component of proteins and enzymes in our body. Heme is an iron-containing compound that transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body via the hemoglobin within red blood cells. In muscles, myoglobin contains heme. During physical activity, myglobin helps match the supply of oxygen to the demand of working muscles and is important for endurance people who engage in regular exercise may have a 30% higher usual iron requirement. Heme is required for ATP production and ATP is the source of more than 95% of the energy the body uses daily. Iron helps protect cells from hydrogen peroxide, a byproduct of energy production, helping to convert it into oxygen and water. Folic acid and Vitamin B12 support energy production, as they are necessary components of red blood cell division and synthesis. The addition of Taurine may improve the effects of iron supplementation, as shown in research. Iron Deficiency The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in the US population is 2% in men and 9-12% in women. Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include easy fatigue and loss of energy, unusually rapid heartbeat (especially when exercising), shortness of breath and headache (particularly with exercise), difficulty concentrating, dizziness, pale skin (in blotches, dots or yellowing discoloration), leg cramps, insomnia, pica (a hunger for