20% off (Sale price $25.56, Reg. Price $31.95) :: Herbal Supplement White Tea extract provides protective catechins that may help improve cellular protection. White tea antioxidants are among the strongest found in nature, offering protection for the circulatory system and other important organs and tissues. White Tea Tx® is a herbal tincture that contains specialized nutritional components that may support levels of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract, supporting immune health and good digestion.* White Tea Extract is sourced from the same plant as green and black tea, Camellia sinensis. White tea is less oxidized than green tea, and significantly less oxidized than black tea, providing the lowest tannin content of these three distinct teas. This herbal tincture may be able to assist the body’s natural immunity and resistance, while protecting the healthy forms needed by the body. White tea extract is also known to enhance your skin’s overall health and appearance, keeping it looking and feeling smooth. White Tea Tx® is also helpful for the circulatory system and other important organs and tissues, as it offers powerful defense for the intestines and colon, protecting it against the growth of abnormal cells.* Why Take InVite®’s White Tea Tx®? • Non-GMO Dietary Supplement • Made following cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) • Supplies concentrated White Tea Polyphenols in a decaffeinated form • No artificial ingredients • Free of alcohol, gluten and sodium For great discounts, a superb assortment of top-grade nutraceuticals and nutritional supplements like this White Tea extract, and access to our professional nutritionists, look no further – great health starts right here at InVite® Health. To ask a question or to purchase your White Tea Tx®, call us today at (800) 632-0541 or click here to find a store near you!