20% off (Sale price $29.56, Reg. Price $36.95) :: Herbal Supplement Nutri-statin 144 offers support for the maintenance and balance of naturally occurring bacteria that normally reside in the small and large intestines. This product supports appropriate Candida albicans in the gut. This condition specific herbal dietary formula includes Caprylic Acid to support healthy bacteria balance, Garlic and Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE Citricidal) to support the immune system and skin health. Why Take InVite®’s Nutri-statin 144? Non-GMO Dietary Supplement Made following cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) Made using Vcaps® technology (vegetarian capsules) employing advanced delivery methods for efficient absorption Consult your personal health practitioner if pregnant, nursing or lactating before using this or any homeopathic products.For great discounts, a superb assortment of top-grade nutraceuticals and nutritional supplements, and access to our professional nutritionists, look no further – great health starts right here at InVite® Health. To ask a question, speak with a nutritionist, or to purchase your Nutri-statin 144 supplement, call us today at (800) 632-0541 or click here to find a store near you!