30% off (Sale price $75.53, Reg. Price $107.90) :: #ulProgramContains li margin-bottom:0 The Tinnitus Program Contains: Cocoa Hx® Alcar + ALA Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no actual external noise is present, often referred to as “ringing in the ears”, that affects almost 50 million Americans. ALCAR with ALA are two nutrients that support energy production in the brain, supporting healthy brain metabolism which is needed for repair. The effects of Cocoa are well documented, displaying antioxidant and circulatory support for the brain. Together they help support the brain-hearing health of people with Tinnitus.* Cocoa Hx® Chocolate is one of nature’s most powerful super foods. But the benefits of chocolate are generally reversed when milk, cholesterol from milk solids, and/or an enormous amount of refined sugar are added. Cocoa is naturally bitter in flavor so chocolate bars require a lot of sweetening. When cocoa is cooked, it becomes even more bitter. It its natural form, it contains a wide variety of minerals, vitamins and antioxidant flavonoids that offer great health benefits. InVite’s® Cocoa Hx® is an uncooked super food within a vegetable fruit supplement. Non-GMO Dietary Supplement Made following cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) Cocoa Hx® is high-quality and minimally processed, with dutching (a process that modifies cocoa’s natural characteristics No added milk, fats, nor sugar (all of which decrease the health benefits of cocoa and add calories and saturated fat) Fruit and Vegetable ORAC blend is added to support antioxidant activity Alcar + ALA Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALCAR) is an absorbable form of the amino acid known as L-Carnitine, a naturally occurring amino acid that is synthesized in the liver and kidney. Like L-Carnitine, ALCAR produces energy in the mitochondria of the cell. Because it participates in energy metabolism, it can be supportive in healthy brain development, visual memory and overall focus for the general public. ALA is unique becaus