ResveraPrime Advantage (30-day supply)

Fight Aging and Win! I believe you can have a sharp mind, young-looking skin, a strong heart, and high energy whatever your age. What's convinced me? Three incredible breakthroughs that deliver robust, healthy longevity: resVida Resveratrol, the only pure resveratrol proven in a human study to improve cardiovascular function! It significantly increases your odds of having a strong, healthy heart to keep you active regardless of your age. That's in addition to resveratrol's antioxidant ability to curb inflammation, protect your brain, and significantly slow all your cells from aging.1 Extramel SOD, a super antioxidant that has the rare ability to neutralize your body's dangerous free radicals. Researchers found an anti-aging goldmine when they discovered a hybrid cantaloupe with an extremely high amount of Extramel SOD. This form is powerful because it contains an entire roster of heavy-hitting antioxidants in addition to SOD, including CoQ10, vitamins A, C, and E, glutathione, and selenium.2 Setria, the most effective form of L-glutathione, your body's most important antioxidant. It strengthens your body's immune response and detoxification power. Every cell in your body contains this premier antioxidant, but your levels start depleting after age 45. You only get about 35 mg a day from your diet, but you need 250 mg a day—in the reduced form, or it won't yield antioxidant benefits.3Setria is one of the only reduced-form glutathiones available today. You get all three of these age-fighting superstars together in ResveraPrime™ Advantage. 1 Delmas D, et al. Resveratrol: preventing properties against vascular alterations and aging. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2005 May;49(5):377-395. 2 Houde V. Protective effects of grape seed proanthocyanidins against oxidative stress induced by lipopolysaccharides of periodontopathogens. J Period. 2006; 77(8):1371-1379. 3 Jones DP. Radical-free biology of oxidative stress. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol.

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